Monday, November 17, 2014

Rumi and O'Keefe

"for there is more gold in one leaf of a cottonwood tree than in all the chapels of Rome"

Monday, November 10, 2014

practicing gratitude ~ day 11

Today I'm grateful for:

Binx fell asleep on my chest

Ben Howard

mushrooms and rice and chicken noodle soup

my mom

Savannah telling me what we always suspected, Jackson from Hannah Montanna is played by a 35 year old actor

15 min yoga


sharing my dad's computer

the way washing your face at night feels really nice

Nathaniel Branden and "The Six Pillars of Self Esteem"

mirrors of all kinds

nice emails from professors

Thanksgiving coming soon

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

practicing gratitude ~ day 10

I'm grateful for shrimp with cajun seasoning I'm grateful for my brother having a lucky lucky lucky break I'm grateful for my dad being here I'm grateful for learning how to fix a sink I'm grateful for swing dance and youtube

practicing gratitude ~ day 9

I'm grateful for laugh laugh laughing with Calvin I'm grateful that he said we're all in "cool relationship phases" I'm grateful for goofing off and laughing after I fart

I'm grateful for the opposite of loneliness and for cereal with berry filling

I'm grateful for being a grown up

I'm grateful for creating something that means something

Saturday, November 1, 2014

practicing gratitude ~ day 8

grateful for waking up to trickling water
grateful for ferocity and for tenderness together. a ferocious tenderness
grateful for dance that makes you feel something when you watch it. Pina Bausch.
grateful for happy kids on halloween
grateful for Mary
grateful for hot drinks pressed in your lap or your chest
grateful that bad dreams are only bad dreams
grateful that I can go to college and take classes on playwriting
grateful that my English major friends know that to be an English major does not mean you love grammar (seriously, who loves grammar for the sake of grammar??)
grateful for soft, beginning light