Friday, October 31, 2014

practicing gratitude ~ day 7

I'm grateful that I didn't catch the kitchen on fire that one time I almost caught the kitchen on fire

I'm grateful for exaggerated enthusiasm and the people that make a big deal when they see you again. 

I'm grateful for people who aren't afraid to have loud voices.

I'm grateful for a virus free computer

I'm grateful for pandora

I'm grateful for getting a job as a barista

I'm grateful for deep breaths

I'm grateful for really smart people that also like to go to bars and have fun and fake trash talk to their friends

I'm grateful for that awesome salad at Carolina Alehouse

I'm grateful for laughing with Savannah

I'm grateful for celebrations

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

practicing gratitude ~ day 6

I'm grateful for books that explain things
I'm grateful for opening doors
I'm grateful for nakedness
I'm grateful for psychotherapists
I'm grateful for being twenty years old
I'm grateful for not being alone, for family and friends
I'm grateful to be home
I'm grateful for big beautiful windows and snowfalls
I'm grateful that I have feet
I'm grateful that I can go on long runs 
I'm grateful for the way my Dad's dog, Dakota, looks up at you with a big wide breathtakingly genuine and beautiful smile while you run with her
I'm grateful that my mom is home safe
I'm grateful that I have an interview tomorrow
I'm grateful for authenticity, and for knowing that it's more important than approval and acceptance
I'm grateful for the smell of coffee
I'm grateful for how dark early morning is right before daylight savings time
I'm grateful for relaxing a bit with my choice of major
I'm grateful for community
I'm grateful for funny youtube videos
I'm grateful for my Dad's sense of humor
I'm grateful that my Dad isn't alone
I'm grateful for teachers that taught me to think critically, read critically, and write critically
I'm grateful for not believing so much in certainty
I'm grateful for uncertainty
I'm grateful for time

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

practicing gratitude ~ day 5

I'm grateful for,

Dakota panting on my floor - she kinda blends in with the rug

big picture lenses and tiny pieces

getting an interview at Starbucks

late night chats

truth telling

holding hands with Grandma

clean, crisp, thick paper

the nice man on the dam

early mornings


all my teeth

Monday, October 27, 2014

practicing gratitude ~ day 4

Changed the lay out of my blog today. I was starting to feel like I had to write about really serious stuff. So I added lots more color to unsettle things a bit and get a little uncomfortable. New types of posts to come!

today I'm grateful for . . .

a feeling I got when I was finishing reading another chapter of "The Gifts of Imperfection" - a feeling where I felt really grounded in the fact that this is my life right now, where I am is my life right now, here with my Dad and Latrelle and Dakota, and it's really different from college but it doesn't mean that my life starts when I get back to school my life is happening right now and at first I feel like there's not stuff happening here because college life is so much crazier and at first I thought, full? but that's not it, it's different, but my life here is full too, and if it's not full enough I can make it that way I think and maybe look at things differently

grandma doesn't have to go off her blood thinners to get her tooth fixed

spinach and tomato pizza

sticking to my plan to lay off sugar for a while

feeling safe

Sunday, October 26, 2014

practicing gratitude ~ day 3

Today, I'm grateful for . . . 
  • beautiful, rolling dirt roads in SC
  • feeling vulnerable and not freaking out (completely)
  • guitar
  • Mom who doesn't understand but leaves a nice card anyways
  • the way my Dad wears PJ's all Sunday long and bounces to music with his spatula in his hand
  • Etta James
  • my sister calling me - gonna visit her soon! 
  • swing dance
  • Brene Brown
  • asking a question to a group of strangers
  • Internet
  • the way fall clears the air
  • the way it's eighty degrees and fall ( SC :) )
  • best girl friends and talking for over two hours getting caught up
  • being able to watch a good friend change and grow, and getting to talk about that with her
  • being able to grow
  • self help sections in a secondhand book stores (there are gems! but no way I'm buying "The Secret")
  • having a roommate in the spring complete with a cat!
  • using exclamation points
  • finding two cool places that are hiring - 2nd&Charles and Starbucks
  • having access to a car today