I'm grateful for books that explain things
I'm grateful for opening doors
I'm grateful for nakedness
I'm grateful for psychotherapists
I'm grateful for being twenty years old
I'm grateful for not being alone, for family and friends
I'm grateful to be home
I'm grateful for big beautiful windows and snowfalls
I'm grateful that I have feet
I'm grateful that I can go on long runs
I'm grateful for the way my Dad's dog, Dakota, looks up at you with a big wide breathtakingly genuine and beautiful smile while you run with her
I'm grateful that my mom is home safe
I'm grateful that I have an interview tomorrow
I'm grateful for authenticity, and for knowing that it's more important than approval and acceptance
I'm grateful for the smell of coffee
I'm grateful for how dark early morning is right before daylight savings time
I'm grateful for relaxing a bit with my choice of major
I'm grateful for community
I'm grateful for funny youtube videos
I'm grateful for my Dad's sense of humor
I'm grateful that my Dad isn't alone
I'm grateful for teachers that taught me to think critically, read critically, and write critically
I'm grateful for not believing so much in certainty
I'm grateful for uncertainty
I'm grateful for time